Only on Tuesday May 17


These beautiful rhodolite garnets are brightening this gray, May spring day in my Union Square studio.

The color reminds me of the old Guardian Life Insurance building outside my window that had a glowing sign on its rooftop casting a warm and almost protective red glow onto Union Square, day or night. The W Hotel purchased that building in 1999, for a mere $40 million.  And Barnes & Noble moved into the carpet building on the opposite corner. Now we can read and sleep in style in this neighborhood.

How things have changed — and for the better. Back in the late ‘70s, one traveled along the Union Square park’s perimeter, to avoid the sordid sorts who had made the park their home, afflicted, unfortunate and nowhere else to go. Today, we make a point of walking through the park, stopping to lunch at the lovely tables and chairs, perusing the always-bustling farmer’s market, the tastes of the country brought to the heart of the city, treat enough for the eyes as well as one’s taste buds.

Today it’s the rhodolite garnet that is captivating my senses, the rarest of raspberry-red colors. We may long for rubies at our ears, but the rhodolite garnet has its own charms. Plump and round, ripe for the picking. If you admire the garnet glow of rhodochrosite, pink tourmaline, red garnet or the royal ruby… today may be your day.

One pair ready to go…. and another few available to be made to order.  

Click here for product page.

To beauty ... Everyday
