To Beauty, Every Day

Perhaps one of the greatest pleasures of my work, is when a woman finds a piece of jewelry that speaks to her on a deeper level. And the greatest reward is when she takes the time to write me about it.
Lucky me, I got a letter from a customer, Nicole Rubio, thanking me. She allowed me to share a bit of her letter here:
“I just unpacked the earrings and they exceeded my expectations.
About six weeks ago I happened to bring them up online in a search for rhodochrosite earrings. The beauty of the stone, the way it glowed and hung from the setting, the way the stripes danced up them, made me leap into action. I don't usually pursue such luxurious items, but I couldn't stop myself.
My husband walked by the monitor and saw them looming like planets—think of Jupiters—and said they were beautiful. That was exceptional coming from him. I had to follow my heart.
You are right, Gabrielle: They are ‘Luscious Beauties.’
When I pulled them out of the black velvet case, I gasped because the stones were even more beautiful in person than online. That almost never happens, either. And then the last test, I tried them on. They matched my dream.”
Women, dreams, beauty—this is all my work aspires to.
Thank you, Nicole, for letting me fulfill your dreams, and serve your own unique beauty.
To beauty, every day,
P.S. After I received her letter, Nicole wrote me to say she had detailed her experience with discovering my work in a blog post. CLICK HERE to read the whole story.